Monday, October 28, 2019

To write a production paper of my 5 minutes film “The Hole” Essay Example for Free

To write a production paper of my 5 minutes film â€Å"The Hole† Essay Observation and real experiences of sex, desire and the various aspects related to sexuality inspired our group to produce a film, which narrated and discussed regarding this topic. While browsing through the early literatures, our team came across the events related to the Peloponnesian war, which was fought during the 5th century B.C. One member in our team suggested that Aristophanes has presented this event in the work, Lysistrata. This work properly presents the sex and concepts of sexuality. The women of the region decided that they should declare and enact ‘sex strike’. It was thought that this was the only way to stop this war. Our reading of this event inspired us to produce a film on the subject of power of sex, desire and sexuality. We began to think that there is a need to produce a film, which accurately depicted the informations concerning the sex and sexuality in the pre modern and modern context in a realistic and artistic way. For this film, we decided not only to define and interpret sex and desire but also to go beyond the simple definitions of the sex. Here, each and every individual becomes the subject and object of desire. Here, ‘the hole’ becomes the realistic and artistic representation of   sexuality. We planned that ‘the hole’ should become the centre of the main scene of the film wherein a male character drills a hole to see the female characters to satisfy his sexual desire and the female characters also respond and they try to satisfy their sexual desire by making use of the same hole drilled by that character. It was decided to use the medium of TV to represent the objects and subjects of desire. Even the TV character shows interest in the person who was watching TV and there is interaction between the TV artist and the TV viewer. Through these methods, our group intended to present the aspects that related to sexuality. And this was to be done without the use of dialogue. In this film, our main attempt was to show that each individual is an object of desire of another individual. The hole also symbolically represents the theme of sexuality. Our main method of achieving these aims was to present the characters with the help of special lighting, camera and sound effects. Before actual shooting began, we experimented with various kinds of cameras and selected the relevant cameras required for this film. Production Process The production of the film, â€Å"The Hole†, comprised pre-production process, production process and post-production process. Our team in the pre production meetings, contemplated regarding the method of presentation of these aspects. There was a suggestion that we should concentrate only on the ancient classical drama, which clearly depicted the theme of sexuality. Another argument by one team member was that we should connect between ancient and modern themes regarding sexuality and hence, we thought that the scenes on TV would consist of the events related to representation of sexuality in the ancient world. Connection could be maintained between the ancient and the modern characters through the medium of TV characters that begin to interact with the modern characters of the film. Thus, we could not completely concentrate on the ancient representations of sexuality. Suggestions were given by the group members regarding the method of translating the theme of sexuality in ancient and modern world to a film of only five minutes. One member suggested that we should not utilise many cameras, as it is expensive to use many cameras for this film. However, other group members did not agree with this idea and they suggested that there is need to use many cameras. It was thought that the film should have a dialogue. However, for a five minutes film, it was not possible to have dialogues. Hence it was decided not to include dialogues. Instead, characters would demonstrate their expressions through their activities such as drilling the hole, dancing, and, the acts related to sexuality. All the members of the team offered suggestions in the meetings.  Ã‚   In the pre-production process, the team had a discussion regarding the use of the script and the different kinds of cameras with variety of technical specifications for the production of this film. The various possible difficulties of shooting of this film were discussed. One potential problem was that there was the need for many cameras to show the characters in different rooms and their movements.   Hence, we decided to use three cameras to show the characters from different angles. One camera with zoom was required to show the activity of the individuals who would peep through the hole. Cameras were required in the two rooms, to show the peepholes, to show the TV and activities on the corridor. In addition to this, there was need for special lighting and sound effects as light and sound were important components of the film. Postproduction process was the most difficult one for our group because there was need for editing of the film. It was very problematic to select the particular part of the film for deletion. After discussion and deliberation, our group selected the relevant scenes, which remained part of the film, and some other aspects were deleted. In the post production process, sound effects were given at the relevant contexts. We used the latest technology in giving these sound effects to demonstrate the various expressions of the characters of the film. Evaluation Our attempt was not simply to directly narrate the events but to give the symbolic interpretation of the actions and behaviour of individuals. We were mostly successful in achieving the aims and objectives while producing this film. The greatest challenge which we faced while producing this film was the fact that the various events, issues such as drilling of the hole, peeping through the hole and seeing the female characters, behaviour of female characters, expression of sexuality, embarrassment of the male characters, all these had to be presented within five minutes which was a great disadvantage. To achieve this goal, the production team planned the schedule of pre-production, production and post-production. The group meetings in the pre production process were the most useful in this production process because everything related to the film was planned in these group meetings. There was great scope for the use of sophisticated technology since there was the need to shoot the scene, which is presented, through the hole. Interaction between TV character and TV viewer implied that there was scope for editing during the post production process.   We learnt that without dialogues also it is possible to produce a film. We also learnt that through light and sound effects and actions, the characters can express their various emotions. In the future ventures also we decided the follow the similar techniques of production.   There were problems with co-ordinating the different sections of the film production such as shooting and editing the film. To avoid these problems, extra time was given while planning during the pre production meetings. This aspect was very useful in achieving all the aims of the film. Successful attempt was made to symbolically present the theme and narration of the events related to the film.   The most unique aspect of the film was the use of zoom cameras to present the vision seen through the hole. This was a groundbreaking achievement of our production team. This technique helped in properly achieving our aims of producing this film. This innovation was necessary, as ‘the hole’ becomes the central part of the film.

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