Monday, May 25, 2020

Transgender Students From Using The Restroom - 1860 Words

Kansas passed a bill on Wednesday, March 16, 2016 that denies transgender students from using the restroom, as well as other facilities retaining to gender â€Å"when they are in various states of undress† (Committee on Federal and State Affairs, page 1; sec. 2; subparagraph b; lines 8-12), based on their preferred gender and forces them to use the restroom based on their birth sex. This bill was passed by the Committee on Federal and State Affairs in order to protect the privacy of students and to prevent â€Å"potential embarrassment, shame and psychological injury to students† (Committee on Federal and State Affairs, page 1; sec. 2; subparagraph f; lines 27-29). This bill also allows for students to sue a transgender student for two-thousand five hundred dollars if they are found in the â€Å"wrong† restroom. Forcing the transgender students in Kansas to use the restroom based on biology is wrong because forcing someone to disregard a personal preference to ac commodate another is inhumane and has potentially deadly effects. Kansas has completely disregarded the transgender community by enacting this bill that invalidates their existence. â€Å"Sec. 4. As used in sections 1 through 7, and amendments thereto: (a) Sex means the physical condition of being male or female, which is determined by a person s chromosomes, and is identified at birth by a person s anatomy† (Committee on Federal and State Affairs, page 1; sec. 4; lines 10-12). The bill addresses how gender is only defined by theShow MoreRelatedJoe Is A Fifteen-Year-Old Boy Whom Is In The Process Of1614 Words   |  7 Pagesis in the gender non-conforming stage of his transformation. â€Å"Should I use the women’s restroom? Should I use the men’s restroom? What if someone harasses or assaults me if I go in there? I just do not know what to do.† This could go through the mind of someone going through the non-passing phase of transitioning into a transgender individual. Lately, there has been heavy discussion on the rights of transgender individuals to use public facilities. These thoughts and conversations have been bubblingRead MoreThe Dilemma of Transgender Bathroom Use1567 Words   |  7 Pagesï » ¿T he Dilemma of Transgender Bathroom Use There are many individuals who do not know about the increasingly common identity known as transgender. Transgender is a term that describes a person who identifies as the sex opposite of what is stated on their birth certificate. Also, a numerous amount of people don t recognize the growing population of individuals who are gender-nonconforming, which means they identify themselves as neither man nor woman. To a large sum of transgender people life is theRead MoreThe Issue Of Gender Equality790 Words   |  4 Pagesis accommodating transgender students. The Title IX, Education Amendments of 1972 states: â€Å"Prohibition against discrimination; exceptions. No person in the United States shall, on the basis of sex, be excluded from participation in, be denied the benefits of, or be subjected to discrimination under any education program or activity receiving Federal financial assistance†¦Ã¢â‚¬  This is talking about gender equality in schools. This means that a school canno t treat transgender students differently thanRead MoreThe Rights For Transgender Youth Essay1179 Words   |  5 Pages Rights for Transgender Youth- In the Classroom Hannah Wintz Ball State University School is thought of as a safe, friendly environment for all to learn and share their ideas, creativity, and opinions. It should be, especially since Americans send their children to school, five days a week, seven hours a day. Unfortunately, not all children feel that their safety is ensured at their schools. Transgender youth feel as if they cannot be their true selves in an environment that’s supposedRead MoreGender Politics : Are We Concerned About The Wrong Safety?1299 Words   |  6 Pagesand be assaulted, or will I go into the other and be potentially arrested?† This isn t a scenario from a horror story; this is just a day in the life of a transgender man trying to use a public restroom. An everyday situation like this can be both stressful and filled with anxiety. Transgender is defined as â€Å"An umbrella term that describes people whose gender identity or gender expression differs from expectations associated with the sex assigned to them at birth.† Wi th this in mind, they often faceRead MoreGender Separation in Public Restrooms1233 Words   |  5 Pagespopulation, the decision of which restroom to use when in public is really not much of a decision at all. No thought needs to be put into it, people just choose one and go. For a transgender person deciding upon which restroom to use can be an agonizing decision to make, one that can lead to severe anxiety. Most businesses and schools have very clearly defined â€Å"men’s† and â€Å"women’s† restrooms. Within the transgender community, it is not that black and white. A transgender person is defined as somebodyRead MoreGender And The Transgender Community1529 Words   |  7 Pagesfeatures are in alignment. For transgender individuals, they’re mismatched. It’s not complicated†¦Although many people would disagree, I think the transgender community should have the right to use the restroom of the gender they identify with or have an alt ernate choice. Some people may argue that it would be a dangerous liability, but try walking a mile in the shoes of a person who is transgender. Some people may even agree to the idea of having gender neutral restrooms. The dangers of a person ofRead MoreTransgender Bathroom Access And Public Schools1009 Words   |  5 PagesA sign protesting a recent North Carolina law restricting transgender bathroom access is seen in the bathroom stalls at the 21C Museum Hotel in Durham, North Carolina May 3, 2016. (REUTERS/Jonathan Drake/File Phot by Colleen Jenkins WINSTON-SALEM, N.C. (Reuters) - A U.S. judge will hear arguments on Monday to stop North Carolina from en forcing a state law barring transgender people from using bathrooms in government buildings and public schools that correspond with their gender identity Why shouldRead MoreBathroom Rights For Transgender Individuals1289 Words   |  6 Pages Bathroom Rights for Transgender Individuals Josephine Do HDE 110 February 2, 2017 Bathroom Rights for Transgender Individuals Transgender rights and policies have always been an ongoing debate. In the article, â€Å"Bathroom Battlegrounds and Penis Panics,† Schilt and Westbrook (2015) argued that in order to push gender equality forward, we must consider the rights of transgender people by allowing them to have access to bathrooms that support their gender identity rather than theirRead MoreTransgender Kids and Their Right to Choose to Go to Any Bathroom They Please1810 Words   |  7 Pagescenters around the heated debate over whether Transgender kids should be able to choose what restroom they would like to use based solely on their gender identity. Breaking new ground and blazing new trails to create equality for all is the state of California. Democratic Governor, Jerry Brown, signed Assembly Bill No. 1266 (known as AB1266), which was an act to amend Section 221.5 of the Education Code, relating to pupil rights. The new law gives all students the right â€Å"to participate in sex-segregated

Friday, May 15, 2020

Visa C1/D para trabajar en cruceros en Estados Unidos

La visa C1/D, tambià ©n conocida como de tripulacià ³n/trà ¡nsito, es utilizada por las personas contratadas por cruceros para poder transitar y embarcar en Estados Unidos. En este paà ­s la industria turà ­stica de los cruceros es enorme. Mà ¡s de 20 millones de personas se embarcan al aà ±o en un puerto de los Estados Unidos para disfrutar de sus vacaciones. En este contexto se precisan trabajadores en distintos à ¡mbitos (meseros, limpieza, entretenimiento, cocineros, barmans, belleza, mantenimiento, etc.). Entre las empresas de cruceros que necesitan un flujo continuado de trabajadores (tripulantes) se encuentran: AIDA Cruises, Azamara Club, Carnival Cruises Lines, Celebrity Cruises, Costa Cruises Lines, Cunard Line, Disney Cruise Line, Holland America line, MSC Cruises USA, Norwegian Cruise line, Princess Cruises y Royal Caribbean International. Y muchas de estas empresas contratan a trabajadores en otros paà ­ses, directamente o a travà ©s de agencias autorizadas. Cà ³mo se solicita la visa C1/D Primero se necesita pasar por un proceso de seleccià ³n y ser contratado por la compaà ±Ãƒ ­a del barco crucero en el que se va a trabajar. Es indispensable tener una carta oficial en la que se especifica que se ha sido contratado y presentarla en la Embajada o consulado en la que se tramita la visa. A continuacià ³n, llenar por internet el formulario DS-160. Està ¡ en inglà ©s, si no se entiende bien ese idioma ir  al ToolTip en la parte superior derecha de la pà ¡gina y elegir la opcià ³n de espaà ±ol. Si asà ­ se hace al poner poner el cursor sobre la pregunta aparecerà ¡ la misma traducida al espaà ±ol. Dependiendo del consulado lo mà ¡s comà ºn es que hay que subir una foto digital durante este proceso. En algunas ubicaciones la foto se lleva a la entrevista. Fijarse bien en lo que se pide en cada caso. Al finalizar de llenar el formulario, imprimir la confirmacià ³n ya que este es un documento esencial que hay que llevar mà ¡s tarde a la entrevista en la Embajada o Consulado. Seguir las instrucciones que se indican al llenar el formulario para el pago del arancel (cancelacià ³n), en cada paà ­s se siguen reglas distintas, pero como al iniciar a llenar el documento se elige la ubicacià ³n pues simplemente se siguen las instrucciones a este respecto. Sin pago del arancel no serà ¡ posible realizar la cita para la entrevista. En la actualidad el costo de la visa C1/D es de $160 (aunque en algunos paà ­ses es mà ¡s por criterios de reciprocidad). Es posible, pero no ocurre siempre, que la compaà ±Ãƒ ­a reembolse esa cantidad. En algunos consulados tambià ©n serà ¡ necesario hacer una cita para que le tomen las huellas digitales antes de la entrevista. A continuacià ³n se programa una cita. En muchos consulados es necesario registrarse con un servicio de courier (mensajerà ­a), ya que si la visa es aprobada se enviarà ¡ por este medio. Seguir las instrucciones cuando se llena el formulario DS-160. Entrevista en el consulado o Embajada El dà ­a de la cita a la hora programada, llevar: Pà ¡gina de confirmacià ³n del DS-160Una foto (a menos que se haya tenido que enviar digitalmente al llenar el DS-160, cada consulado tiene sus propias reglas).Pasaporte vigente en buen estado. Las compaà ±Ãƒ ­as de cruceros piden, en general, que la vigencia sea de al menos por un aà ±o.Pà ¡gina de registro con courier, cuando es necesario.Una carta formal del empleador con membrete impreso de la compaà ±Ãƒ ­a, lo mà ¡s especà ­fica posible.Tambià ©n llevar documentacià ³n que sirva para probar que se tiene la intencià ³n de no quedarse en Estados Unidos (lo que sirva para probar lazos fuertes econà ³micos o familiares en el paà ­s de residencia). Tambià ©n se puede pedir demostrar que se tiene dinero suficiente para pagar el boleto para unirse a la nave en la que se va a trabajar, si esta parte de un puerto en USA. La visa C1/D es una visa no inmigrante y el oficial consular puede negarla si considera que el solicitante es inadmisible. Ademà ¡s, o bien el dà ­a de la entrevista o bien antes (dependiendo del consulado) se tomarà ¡n las huellas del solicitante. Los là ­mites de la visa C1/D La visa C1/D es và ¡lida por el tiempo que se especifica en la misma. Si caduca antes el pasaporte viajar con el nuevo y tambià ©n con el expirado en el que se encuentra la visa. La visa C1/D, aà ºn cuando està © sin expirar, no puede ser empleada para emplearse legalmente en Estados Unidos en otro tipo de trabajos (sà ­ que se puede cambiar de cruceros). Por ejemplo, un mesero contratado para un crucero con ese visado no puede quedarse en tierra para trabajar en un restaurante sin antes   obtener una visa distinta una que permita trabajar (lo cual no va a ser nada fà ¡cil). Tampoco sirve para permanecer en Estados Unidos si no hay un contrato vigente con una compaà ±Ãƒ ­a de cruceros. El problema de la visa C1 En algunos aspectos se considera que es una visa que puede ser problemà ¡tica porque no permite ajustar el estatus a las personas que entraron a los Estados Unidos utilizando ese tipo de visado. Eso quiere decir que si una persona ingresa con la C1 y decide quedarse en el paà ­s puede tener un problema grande si su estancia ilegal supera los 180 dà ­as, y mucho mà ¡s si supera el aà ±o. Asà ­, aunque se casase con un ciudadano americano o con un residente permanente legal o tuviera una ofera para una visa de trabajo o un empleador estuviese dispuesto a patrocinar una tarjeta de residencia no podrà ­a ajustar el estatus y tendrà ­a que salir del paà ­s. Y ahà ­ vendrà ­a el problema. Al salirse aplica el castigo de los tres y de los diez aà ±os y durante ese tiempo no podrà ­a regresar, excepto que pudiera pedir y ganar una waiver I-601, que no es fà ¡cil conseguirla. Ni siquiera pueden arreglar los papeles por medio del Parole in Place que aplica a los esposos de ciudadanos que son militares.   Para las personas que entrar con una C1 y se quedan en el paà ­s hay muy pocas opciones: asilo, cancelacià ³n de la deportacià ³n o withholding of removal. Pero son todas muy especà ­ficas y no fà ¡ciles de obtener. Por estas razones, si tienes una C1 y està ¡s pensando en quedarte en los Estados Unidos hazte un favor a ti mismo y consulta tu caso con un abogado de inmigracià ³n y entiende bien los problemas que pueden derivar de una decisià ³n de ese tipo. Cuà ¡nto se gana trabajando en un crucero Estos son los salarios medio para tripulantes de crucero segà ºn tipo de profesià ³n que se desempeà ±e. Tambià ©n se incluye un listado de agencias especializadas en encontrar trabajo en cruceros a trabajadores extranjeros. Otras opciones de trabajo Puede considerarse las visas H-2A para trabajar como temporero en la agricultura o la visa H-2B que permite desempeà ±arse en labores tipo ferias, resorts de verano o invierno y similares. Este es un artà ­culo informativo. No es asesorà ­a legal.

Wednesday, May 6, 2020

A Look At Isaac Mizrahi And The Eccentric World He...

Unzipped: a look at Isaac Mizrahi and the eccentric world he represents Crude and lewd with attitude: Unzipped offers a raw look into the fashion world as Isaac Mizrahi prepares for his fall 1994 comeback collection. Following a critically-detested season, Unzipped launches into the creation of Mizrahi’s new line. With shots ranging from Mizrahi in bed to his frequent interactions with industry icons, Unzipped offers an intensely intimate look into the unconventional and hilarious life of Mizrahi and the fashion industry: a world previously untapped successfully on film. Mizrahi’s impeccable sense of humor provides an authentic look into various aspects of the fashion industry. To highlight the extreme pressure of designing, Mizrahi†¦show more content†¦Ideologically the documentary highlights the dedication, precision, and stress involved in designing, thus emphasizing the legitimacy of fashion and the passion of designers. Mizrahi’s work demonstrates the intensive labor of love behind his work, thwarting the stereotype of fashion as superficial. Additionally, Unzipped utilizes Mizrahi to break down barriers between the audience and celebrity. By making Mizrahi relatable before showing his interactions with fashion all-stars, Unzipped invites audiences to meet models like Cindy Crawford, Kate Moss, and Naomi Campbell. Thus, it brings genuineness to subjects known only physically. Stylistically, Unzipped produces a raw aesthetic to capture the fashion world. Though Mizrahi had final say over the edit of the film, Unzipped seemingly provides intimate access into his collection. Splitting itself into different sections, Unzipped â€Å"lacks a clear structure† other than a loose arc leading to its climactic runway. Shot in 35mm film and predominantly in black-and-white, Unzipped offers an unamplified look into Mizrahi’s world. Unzipped’s most deliberate stylistic choice serves to exaggerate the film’s core: fashion. Very consciously selecting what to show in color, the runway transforms into a world of vibrancy. In stark contrast to the muted tones of black and white, Mizrahi’s show throws his audiences into a wonderland of effervescent coloration. Mizrahi’s aesthetic screams fun as hot pink and orange jackets line the

Tuesday, May 5, 2020

Childhood Ignorance, and The M... free essay sample

Childhood Ignorance, and The Mother of Stone.Theres a lot of ugly things in this world, son. I wish I could keep em all away from you. Thats never possible. -Harper Lee, To Kill a Mockingbird   Ã‚  Ã‚  My mother nearly died during childbirth with me, giving birth three months early through an emergency c-section. She had a stroke and got terribly ill during pregnancy. I spent my first three months of life in the NICU in the Childrens Hospital, desperately grasping for life, slowly gaining my health enough so I could leave the hospital. After my mom had me, the doctors had told my mom she was to be done bearing children. They also said if she were to have another kid, she was putting her own life at risk and that she could die.. When my mother found out she was pregnant, with my younger brother, she panicked. She was terrified of what the doctor would have to say. My brother was conceived   because of a botched vasectomy on my dads part. Once the doctors told my mother everything was going to be ok, if she were to follow what they say,   she was a little more relieved and followed through with her pregnancy. All I could remember was her going to doctors, and coming home a few days later with Alexander my new baby brother. I   watched the front door open. My mother was completely drained and weak, and you could see it in her eyes. In my mothers arms, I saw my new little brother. My three older sisters, and two older brothers and I ogled my new younger brother all night, with his squishy little face, and small petite frame from being born prematurely.   My father decided the following day he wanted to take the family out to a restaurant to have a day with us, but he said he didnt know when, just soon.   Ã‚  The next week or so I was super excited, and being three at the time, everything was an adventure.   We were going to a fancy restaurant all together as a family, to a three-year-old anything thats not McDonalds is fancy. We all get into my dads enormous, yellow suburban and we drove into town. When we get there I see a huge sign on top of a building.   I couldnt read at the time, but I remember it being large and glowing in red. My mom told me it said, Red Robin. As a young kid, I was extremely excited to go inside this new colorful place. After eating for a bit my mom needed to use the restroom, so she took me and my new brother into the restroom with her to wash us up a bit, and to change Alexander. My mom was changing Zanders diaper, and before she knew it, I ran out of the stall. I was crawling on the floor in the restaurants bathroom.   She quickly tried to button up my brothers snap in the crotch, rushing to try and get me off the filthy floor, but I had already shoved my hands in my mouth. She helped me wash my hands and clean me up some. But even with all her efforts to clean me up, within the next twenty-four hours, I was horribly ill. I was so confused about what had happened.   I remember having the best time at the amazing new restaurant, but when I woke up at three in the morning, I felt so horrible and   I couldnt keep it in. I ran for the restroom but fell short and vomited all over my moms room.   She heard and ran to help me. She put me in the bathtub, so I wouldnt vomit everywhere. She thought it was food poisoning from the restaurant at first until it didnt stop. My mom started crying as I barfed into the bathtub. I was barfing nonstop, and diaper after diaper.   I couldnt keep anything in. Two days into it, I was rushed into the hospital. A huge needle was shoved into my arm and I didnt like that.   I thought I was already going through enough but now the doctors wanna shove this thing into me? I tried to pull it out but the doctors apparently didnt like that either.   I saw my moms eyes swell with tears once the doctors said I tested positive for Rotavirus. My mom was told that Rotavirus is an infection usually starts within two days of exposure to the virus. Initial symptoms are a fever and vomiting, followed by three to seven days of diarrhea and continues vomiting. The infection can cause abdominal pain as well.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  I was in the hospital for about a week, but the days felt longer.   Fluids being pumped into me along with medication, I ended up losing a total of eight pounds from barfing everything up for that time.   Being only three at the time that was a lot of weight to lose.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  I   was crying nonstop, and everything hurt. If I wasnt vomiting, I was trying to calm down. My mother was there for me the whole time, even with my brother being so new. Being so small and losing so much weight, I didnt know what was going to happen to me. I thought I was going to die. I was petrified, and so were my parents. After a few days of medicine and fluids being pumped into me, I was starting to show signs of recovery. I wasnt barfing by the sixth day and the doctors decided I was ok to go home. I was so glad to be home. My mother put me to bed with large fluffy blankets and gave me a ton of apple juice to keep me hydrated. I was starting to feel better but I was definitely drained and weak from losing so much of my body weight. My mother, as I think back now, was such an empowering woman for being strong through all these hardships. Especially right after giving birth to my brother.   When we are young, we really dont think that anything will happen to us.   Our parents try to protect us, especially when we are inexperienced in the world and in what pain and real fears are, but my mother couldnt protect me from this. She couldnt keep the bad guys away when she couldnt even see them. I learned more from this looking back at it rather than when I was young and experienced it. My mother and father were there for me the entire time, and I greatly appreciate that now. They were strong when I couldnt be, facing the fear of death possibly being right behind me.   Even though they had their jobs, their lives, and the rest of my family to take care of. They still managed to keep a balance of it all. I see my mom as a superhero for all shes done for my family and me, and especially after what happened when I was three, plus all the things shes done from then to now. My father was definitely a great man and tried his hardest to help my mom and my family; but my mother, I thank her, for staying strong. My mom   is the strongest woman Ive met. She is my rock, staying strong even when she has the right to crumble. My mother has had the greatest impact on my life, she is my happiness. Her heart and determination and love for her family is something I can only hope to achieve in my life.